Committed to Planning

As CASBO embarked on CASBO by Design 2.0, the association’s sixth long-term plan, 这是一个用组织规划这门学科来回顾我们的历史的好时机.

In very concrete ways, 战略规划帮助CASBO设想其未来是一个充满活力和重要的协会,支持公共教育. 有了这种类型的路线图,CASBO可以继续专注于其独特的使命, goals and objectives, and to respond effectively to a continually changing environment.

The process has also allowed the association to make monumental changes, 继续发展并继续增加其对公立学校bbin平台网站大全和政策的影响. 战略规划和目标设定是一种生活方式,是CASBO文化的一部分. Simply put, it’s how the association does its work.

它也是一种哲学,每三到五年为组织提供一个新的生命周期. It’s a way to rejuvenate the association, to take a step back, 从多个方面观察组织,并将组织提升到另一个层次. It’s a method to which CASBO is committed, 对这一过程的承诺是如此之深,以至于它被纳入了CASBO的程序手册(MOP)。.

Planning Primer

CASBO背后的工作通过建立使命和目标,为组织未来几年的发展指明了方向, listing the steps to be taken to achieve these aims, creating action plans to get there and, finally, implementing specific steps. Due to the depth and breadth of the philosophy, and the associated highly prescriptive procedures, organizational planning is more than a goal-setting mechanism, it’s a belief system — a philosophy in which CASBO has invested.

What emerges from the philosophy and its prescriptive process is a living, 呼吸文件,指导一个团体的关键动作大约三到五年. Rather than being a dusty binder on a shelf in Sacramento, CASBO by Design是一个路线图,它是由数百名协会成员的基层参与推动的,他们在这个过程中的每一步都是自愿的.

Our Commitment


It’s not a private-sector model, 而是一个旨在帮助教育工作者创造自己未来的模式.

我们的CASBO设计过程从建立组织的信念声明开始. At the start of each planning cycle, 一个由不同的CASBO成员和来自协会外部的专业人士组成的委员会举行为期三天的会议,阐明该组织的核心信念并确定重点领域. 计划团队确定的关键策略随后传递给负责创建步骤以满足这些总体目标的行动团队. 在这一点上,整个计划由董事会审查和批准. Another set of groups, the implementation teams, then do the legwork to make the goals a reality for members. 在整个过程中,推动者监视计划进度并确保执行任务.

我们的程序还建立了一个年度审查程序,根据该程序对选定的战略进行评估, 具体任务的执行时间可以根据实时问题进行调整.

CASBO的另一个关键是它要求计划和后来的实施是由大量不同截面的成员驱动的. By its very nature, 战略规划要求以会员的目标和需求为指导的基层运动, not the governance.

规划理念的基层性质延续到计划的实施阶段. It takes literally hundreds of CASBO members, along with the organization’s staff, to implement each plan of action.

In addition to creating a living plan, CASBO背后的战略规划模式确保没有任何官员或成员可以根据个人目标更改文件. If it hasn’t been spelled out in the plan, it’s not up for consideration.

Incredible Outcomes

The model works, as is evidenced by the successes that have come from CASBO’s previous plans, including: a focus on professional development and certifications for members, the association’s Internet presence, 建立一个以萨克拉门托为基地的工作人员和CASBO广泛的成员部门之间的自主权, improved marketing of the association, the hiring of an in-house legislative advocate, the redefining of the association’s governance structure, and the creation of online learning opportunities.

CASBO从规划人员的脑海中开始,然后变成一个活生生的文件,在三到五年的时间里指导组织, providing both momentum and the vehicle for beneficial change.

CASBO by Design是由CASBO前首席商务官和CASBO前总裁Pearl Iizuka推动的.

Mission Statement

The mission of CASBO, the trusted authority on school business operations, is to support the success of all students through leadership, innovative professional development and advocacy.

Vision Statement

CASBO: The foremost authority on school business.

Belief Statements

We Believe …

Public education is essential to a free and informed society.
Equity is a core value.
Our diverse membership contributes to the overall success of the organization.
Mentoring develops leaders, promotes growth and builds success.
We excel at providing expertise on issues relating to school business, 哪个是公立学校财政实力和学生成绩的重要组成部分.
Strategic partnerships build success.
Creativity and innovation are vital to remain relevant.
If we are successful, all students win.


We will promote the best interests of students in business decisions.
Our members will always be the priority.
We will embrace and promote ethical standards.
We will solicit, embrace and promote all forms of diversity and inclusion.
We will strive for excellence under all conditions.


To develop world-class leaders through professional development, certifications and mentorship opportunities.
To strengthen our brand position.


Professional Development



We will develop and execute a comprehensive and cohesive marketing plan.


education; and a network of members, stakeholders and policymakers.




We will provide timely, 相关和引人入胜的信息通过多种沟通方式

Need assistance with CASBO by Design 2.0?

Michelle Neto

Governance Liaison
(916) 504-2254